News Blog
BackEnrichment Day - Wednesday 12th June 2019
We would like to share some of the initial arrangements for the Enrichment Day on the 12th June involving Year R to Year 14. All students will be participating in on and off site activities throughout the day. The day will end at 5 pm and school transport have been notified of the change of time for the end of the school day.
If for any reason your child is unable to attend on the day or to stay in school until 5 pm please notify reception. If you or a family member usually collect your child please ensure they are aware of the change of time for the end of the school day.
More information concerning the various activities taking place during the day will be advised of in due course.
In the meantime if you have any other questions regarding our Enrichment Day ie concerning medication and / or feeds or any other queries please do not hesitate to speak to your Class Teacher.
We are sure the children will have a fantastic day and look forward to seeing them enjoy all the various activities.
Kind Regards
Scott Jarred, Headteacher