School Vision
In September 2021 the school embarked on a process to review it’s core values, and the vision for the future of the school post pandemic. This was a key time for the school with both post pandemic and Ofsted monitoring visits shaping some of the future aspirations for the whole school community.
The process involved all members of the school community coming together through different events and activities to discuss individual views and aspirations of the school, including core beliefs and ethos. School staff, Students, Parents and Families, Governors and external professionals were all involved.
The vision process ran for 18 months with review points, and included face to face development sessions, pupil voice meetings, a parent art and values session, a governors triangulation day and formal presentations.
The new School vision and extension work which includes a staff charter, statement of intent and vision word clouds were presented to the school community as a completed piece of work in January 2023 and can be seen in and around the school.
Please follow the links to see some of the work that took place and the outcomes from this.