Occupational Therapy & Physio Therapy
Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy support at Nexus is provided by Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust. Our team consists of two part-time physiotherapists, one part-time occupational therapist and a part-time therapy assistant. One or more of the team is based at Nexus Monday to Thursday and we can be contacted on the Nexus number, extension 4.
We support children whose physical and sensory needs are impacting on their ability to function. This is done through a variety of methods including assessment, treatment, equipment provision and sensory circuit programmes. We hold regular orthotic clinics at Nexus with the orthotist from Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, to provide and monitor footwear, splints and helmets. We work as part of a wider multidisciplinary team including the wheelchair service, paediatricians, social services, CAT team, CAMHS as well as various equipment providers.