
LIFT Executive and ISG

STLS 5Lift Executive & ISG Meetings
The Tonbridge and Malling District Lead and Headteacher of Nexus report to the LIFT Executive Committee on a termly basis. The LIFT Executive comprises the stakeholders in the District and includes schools, settings, and agencies that work alongside STLS, for example, Kent Educational Psychology Service and Early Help.
A set agenda is followed which includes a review of the District Plan, budget update, and input from Early Help, the Attendance and Inclusion Service, and Pupil Referral Units (PRU).

STLS 5Tonbridge and Malling LIFT Executive and Integrated Steering Group (ISG) 
As the Headteacher or Nursery Manager of a school or setting within the Tonbridge and Malling District, you have automatic membership of the LIFT Executive and ISG committees.
School SENCos who have representation on their Senior Leadership Team can also attend LIFT Executive meetings and report back to Headteachers.
Your involvement and feedback as a school or setting within our District is essential in helping shape and direct the LIFT process, Training and Outreach Resources, and Support for our District’s Specific Needs.

For all enquiries regarding LIFT Executive please contact Emma Holt
Page Updated 14.12.23


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